
Illustration created for the use in personal projects. I’ve been drawing most of my life and it was great to be able to explore using it for projects.


Blacklight Concept Art

Concept art for GoPop Films for a potential project. These are creatures who live in the dark and can only be thwarted by using backlights. There was never an origin for the creatures in the script so I created a variety of options with different origin points.


Little 5 Points Halloween Parade & Festival

A poster for the Little 5 Points Halloween Parade.

A parade held every year to celebrate the holiday in Atlanta.


Animal Activism Cards

Cards designed to support different causes of animal activism.


Personal Drawings

My personal drawing tend to go toward weird fantasy machines and elaborate creatures.


Gaia Pupa

Development of an Earth Elemental. This drawing went from pencil sketch, to color block out and then was brought to life with a texture collage.


Deus Elements

Detailed sketches for elements of an artificial deity.


Dream Ship

A mysterious vessel existing outside of our perception.

I imagined a great sea shell that had been converted into a vessel over time.

Dream Ship.jpg

Ark Sentinel

Study for a creature in a short story I was working on.

It would be a guardian aboard a great ship containing all of the data of nature. The being itself was biological, but mechanical.



A strange bird.

Pupa & Quetzalcoatl

Two more deities.